Empower Sports Fitness Logo

School Pods

Pre-K – 3rd Grade
Each Session is 45min


Our goal with each school pod is to establish positive, creative, and effective movement programs for the students. We create games and activities that draw on each student’s interests and help to boost her/his confidence and self-esteem. Our school pods are for students in PreK – 3rd Grade. We design age appropriate and movement appropriate games for the group. Each group receives 45 minutes of movement. We have the ability to progress or regress an activity on the spot for the group or the individual. Finally, we have the ability to engage a group of students through fun, creative, and motivational activities. We want all students moving, playing, and having fun.

Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 – $450/10 sessions
Tuesdays, 3:15 – 4:00pm

Kindergarten -1st Grade – $550/10 sessions
Wednesdays, 3:15 – 4:00pm

2nd Grade – 3rd Grade – $550/10 sessions
Thursdays, 3:15 – 4:00pm

school pods
Note from the owner and head coach:

Another school year has come to a close and that means it's time for ESF summer programs! What makes our programs special is the environment we create. It's both flexible and challenging. We provide campers with as many opportunities as possible to help them explore their interests. And we do this by designing activities that are in sync with the needs and capabilities of the individual and/or the group. Lastly, we provide support when needed - flexibility is key - such that campers will develop friendships and make lasting memories. This summer we have a wonderful curriculum that we are very excited about. Many activities will be planned according to weekly themes such as sports week, animal week, and spirit week just to name a few. And at the end of the summer, we will hold our First Annual ESF Olympics. Campers will have the chance to choose from our main color scheme of blue or gold. It will be a wonderful way to close out the summer.

We are excited to meet all the campers and see their smiling faces!

Head Coach signature
Image of the Empowered Sports and Fitness gym

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