Empowered Sports and Fitness has a 24 hour cancellation policy. If you miss your appointment, cancel or change your appointment with less than 24 hours notice (except for an emergency), you will be charged the full amount for that session. This policy is in place out of respect for our youth fitness professional time. Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice are difficult to fill. By giving last minute notice or no notice at all, you prevent someone else from being able to schedule into that time slot. By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the Cancellation Policy for Empowered Sports and Fitness as described above.
While Empowered Sports and Fitness appreciates that families have obligations which may require the rescheduling of a session (i.e. vacations, unforeseen responsibilities, etc.) we require that packages be completed in a timely manner. A package of 10 sessions must be completed within 3 months, a package of 15 sessions must be completed within 4 months, and a package of 20 sessions must be completed within 5 months after which the package will expire. This timeline begins upon completion of the first session of the package.
Historically, Empowered Sports and Fitness has had families inquire about seasonal commitments. While we cannot guarantee families will have their first choice of time slot, we are committed to accommodating seasonal families. Please contact Empowered Sports and Fitness directly for availability.
We understand that occasionally families may need to change their regularly scheduled session. Empowered Sports and Fitness will do its best to accommodate these requests. To facilitate this, we ask that families requesting a change to their regularly scheduled session do so in advance. Please keep in mind that we cannot guarantee that new dates and times will align with the schedule of the athlete’s current coach.
At the conclusion of a session, an athlete must be returned to the athlete’s residence unless prior authorization has been given by a parent or caretaker. This is for the safety and protection of the athlete.
Empowered Sports and Fitness follows the Department of Education and New York State Department of Health’s guidelines.
In cold weather, athletes should still be allowed to play outside whenever possible. Unless it is snowing, there is ice on the ground or the windchill factor is below 0 degrees Fahrenheit (-18 Celsius). Empowered Sports and Fitness will not prohibit outdoor play based on outdoor temperature alone. On very cold days, parents should ensure athletes cover up skin, wear warm clothing, and use several layers to stay warm.
In warm weather, 80 or below is considered comfortable and 90 and above is uncomfortable to hazardous. We will consider limiting strenuous outdoor physical activity to reduce the risk of adverse health effects and take all necessary precautions to ensure the health and safety of the children.
Except for those conditions listed above, all Empowered Sports and Fitness classes will be held outdoors or indoors, as scheduled.
Inclement Weather: In the event of inclement weather on the day of the session, the session will be held virtually.
To ensure the health and safety of the athlete, Empowered Sports and Fitness encourages past and present medical conditions or injuries and medications be disclosed. Not only does this protect the athlete but also allows coaches to respond adequately in the event of an emergency.
Given the impact of Covid-19, Empowered Sports and Fitness wants to ensure that we provide the safest measures possible for our athletes and our coaches. We have been acting in accordance with the recommendations of the Department of Health, Department of Education, legislators, and government officials.
In the event of a future pandemic resulting in mandatory stay-at-home orders, packages will be continued with virtual sessions. Our experience with Covid-19 has proven that virtual sessions are effective and allow our athletes to continue forming positive habits.
More generally, if an athlete is experiencing flu or cold symptoms including fever, cough, scratchy throat, sore throat, runny nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fatigue, vomiting or diarrhea, we encourage parents to be proactive and communicative with coaches and recommend that sessions be held virtually or rescheduled.
Should a child exhibit flu or cold symptoms during a session, it is at the discretion of the Empowered Sports and Fitness coach to determine how to proceed (i.e. a social-distanced outdoor session, virtual session, or postponement of the session).
We also recommend all athletes wear facemasks and gloves when advised by health experts. Empowered Sports and Fitness coaches reserve the right to request that an athlete wear a facemask and gloves.
To help prevent the spread of flu and other colds, all equipment is routinely sanitized in accordance regulations. We ask that the individualized equipment provided to athletes be regularly sanitized.
At Empowered Sports and Fitness, we understand the significance of social interactions. We are happy to accommodate friends and family into an athlete’s sessions; however, we ask that this be limited in nature (i.e. having a sibling join in the session for the last 5 minutes). An athlete’s training program is developed specifically to their individual needs (as established during their assessment) and we want to ensure that we are honoring our commitment to those physical, adaptive, and cognitive goals.
If a friend or family member joins a session there will be a $50.00 fee and will be asked to provide a waiver signed and dated from their legal guardian. Separately, if a family or friend would like to become a full-time participant in the sessions, we ask that an assessment be completed and will be responsible for purchasing a package of their own.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Any questions may be directed to or an Empowered Sports and Fitness Coach.